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goodbye/fun facts....National Department Store Day...Trade can be defined as the process of exchange of goods or services for other goods, services, or money. Initially, under the barter system, goods were exchanged for other goods. Luxury goods like spices, textiles, precious metals, etc., were among the first traded ones. This trade evolved and shaped the modern world that we know today.  Primitive shops and trade centers can be traced as far as 7500 B.C. but the early forms of department stores only started to appear during the 19th century in France. By 1818, Brooks Brothers established the first apparel retail business in America.  While department stores are on the declineLearn more about department store history.  Many shoppers couple the advantages of comparison shopping online catalogs, then visit their department store for the real-feel decision. Watch documentaries such as The Store or Secrets of Selfridges.