what would you fill your dream advent calendar with?
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uk woman still can't get halloween sticker/tattoo of face
no wonder it's so hard to find employees!  check out these resume "fails" on career builder
game: what year was it?
aren't you supposed to make sure you have all the ingredients before you cook?
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game: slogan game
famous people's names we've been prouncing wrong (chrissy tiegen and now adele)
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goodbye/fun facts....national easy bake oven day...The early models of Easy-Bake Ovens utilized the excess heat from incandescent bulbs to heat the oven.  At Kenner Products, a salesman named Norman Shapiro returned from a sales trip with the inspired idea...he saw street vendors keep pretzels warm using a contraption that employed light bulbs.  In 1963, the iconic Easy-Bake Oven quickly became the hottest selling product...they sold 500,000 the 1st year.  By 2013, 30 million Easy-Bake Ovens had been sold!  The first Easy-Bake Ovens were sold for $15.95 and it  received a place in the Toy Hall of Fame in 2006.