if you could only have one sport come back, which one would it be?
do you send food back?
burger king adding mini shakes...we super size so much...what else would like just a sample size of?
everyone wants a different temp...and with summer here...we have thermostat wars...who controls it?
woman in russia tried to pose with a bear woman in yellowstone tried to pet a bison
ashley and brad play would you rather
what do you make homemade that is better than a store/restaurant
iconic rock stars who are getting ready to turn 80
what's your go-to summertime movie classic?
america's "longevity hubs" top and bottom
goodbye/fun facts....National Blueberry Day The purpose of this day is to recognize the amazing health benefits of this tasty berry that is loaded with fiber and rich in antioxidants. According to the Blueberry Council...They are a superior antioxidant food which protects the body from free radicals....They reduce DNA damage, thus offering protection against aging and cancer.....The silvery sheen (or “bloom”) found on the skin of blueberries is a naturally occurring compound that helps protect the fruit. This why you should only wash blueberries right before you’re going to eat them. The berries should be stored in the refrigerator and will keep fresh for up to 10 days.and you can pick your own...but you will spend all day in the field to get 5 it's usually better to get them from the store.