what does your work space say about you?
what's going to be big in fashion this fall? brad can't wait to tell you
do you flush public toilets with your hand or your feet?
according to "smarter travel"...the top 10 cities with the worst traffic congestion
what do we call people from each state:
ways school has changed over the years
the top chores we hate doing around the house
since robots are taking over...would you let/prefer an a.i. at a bar make your drink?
what percentage of your paycheck would you be willing to give up for unlimited time off?
how much are millennials spending on music festivals? (it's over $500!!!)
goodbye/fun facts....It was on this day in 1789, that Congress approved an Act for the establishment and support of lighthouse, beacons, buoys and public piers. united states lighthouse society website: