20% of millennials say they don't have any friends...because of "social" media
is it ok for a city to not hire anyone who smokes or vapes (even in their off time)?
is it ok to go into a restaurant 15 before closing time? this is a heated debate!!!
ashley and brad play radio b-i-n-g-o
scientists have created a fabric that smells like citronella when you sweat (bonus...that's an insect repellent too!)
what is xeriscape landscaping?
the back to school blues...the top 10 complaints...but what do you like about it?
elevator chitchat...yay or nay...
wallet hub released their list of best and worst school systems
you're supposed to wash your hands when you go to the bathroom (brad)...but do you wash your hands when you do some of these other things?!?!?
goodbye/fun facts....August 6, 1960 - Chubby Checker performs The Twist onTV for the first time - on Dick Clark's American Bandstand: the song became a national sensation after Checker performed it on Dick Clark's American Bandstand. The dance was so popular that it inspired additional new dances such as the Mashed Potato, the Swim, and the Funky Chicken.