After an original performance by the experimental production company The Civilians, the Indonesian visitors sit down with members of the cast and crew. The group discusses The Civilians’ mission and multidisciplinary approach to theater, which in many ways parallels Teater Garasi’s productions that often combine drama and dance. Then, the actors take a break from American theater, and embrace the opportunity to tour the Silk Road Theatre Project, a production company that showcases culturally-themed works from playwrights of Asian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean backgrounds. The Indonesian actors are able to gain some insight into a few other cultures, as well as learn how works from their home country are received in the US. Finally, the group stops by Redmoon Theatre, a non-profit theatre company with a unique approach to making theatre more publicly accessible. The company is known for its original utilization of public spaces for performances, often setting up stages in streets and parks. A company member shares photos from past productions to better explain Redmoon’s performance space choices and how they affect productions. More: