Trigger warning: orthorexia / eating disorders; fear of foods

In Episode 122, Ray shares the shock and emotional turmoil he experienced upon receiving his diagnoses of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and osteoarthritis (OA). He described the initial denial he felt and the process of coming to terms with his diagnoses, acknowledging the emotional toll it took on him and his family. 

Cheryl and Ray discuss coping strategies, the role of social media, and finding a supportive community online. He also explains the importance of advocating for oneself and seeking out reliable information and resources, taking a proactive approach to managing his conditions, and finding the right balance between pushing through pain and listening to his body's needs.

Episode at a glance:Diagnosis Story: Ray describes his diagnoses and experience living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and osteoarthritis (OA).Navigating Multiple Conditions: Ray explains the complexities of living with multiple chronic illnesses, including challenges related to symptom management, accessing healthcare, and adjusting to lifestyle changes.Social Support and Connection: Cheryl and Ray discuss the significance of social support networks, in providing connection and understanding for individuals living with rheumatic diseases.Self-Advocacy and Empowerment: Ray emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy and seeking out reliable information and resources to empower oneself in managing chronic illnessesAcceptance and Resilience: Ray shares insights into his journey from feelings of denial to acceptance and living a fulfilling life despite health challenges.Medical disclaimer: 

All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Episode Sponsors

Rheum to THRIVE, an online course and support program Cheryl created to help people with rheumatic disease go from overwhelmed, confused and alone to confident, supported and connected. See all the details and join the program or waitlist now! 

For full episode details including a transcript & video:

Go to the episode page (coming soon) on the Arthritis Life website.