Dr. Wada and Cheryl delve into the connection between Sjogren’s and Rheumatoid Arthritis, discover what’s in Dr. Wada’s disease management toolkit, and share insights into living a full, vibrant life with chronic illness.

Dr. Wada and Cheryl also share insights into how mental health can be affected by chronic illness, and reflect on how the “overachiever” lifestyle is not always helpful. They encourage listeners to focus on making decisions that align with their values and target living well with chronic conditions rather than focusing on total symptom elimination. They encourage listeners to find ways to live a balanced lifestyle and develop a support system which can help you thrive throughout the highs and lows of chronic illness life.

Episode at a glance:Understanding Sjogren’s Syndrome: The immune system attacks moisture producing glands and parts of the nervous system, leading to a variety of symptoms including dry eyes and mouth, difficulty swallowing, fatigue, body aches, irritable bowel, and small fiber neuropathy. Rheumatologists are typically the specialists seen for Sjogren’s, but patients may also get support from neurologists, ophthalmologists, and other specialists.Perspective as an Allergist-Immunologist: Advocacy, bringing awareness, and education  A look Inside Dr. Wada's Toolkit: Finding the right medications, carrying a water bottle, using eye drops, utilizing stress management skills, and being mindful of lifestyle factors like sleep hygiene, movement, and nourishing your body with proper nutrition.Chronic illness and mental health: Initially felt like being an “overachiever” by working out often and taking supplements would ease symptoms, but that’s not necessarily helpful. Words of caution re: supplements & “natural” methods: Dr. Wada and Cheryl discuss the reasons to be cautious about supplements as there isn’t much regulation or transparency with them currently.Advice for living well despite chronic illness: Take a deep breath, there will be good days and bad days no matter what. Focus on making decisions in alignment with your values.Want more Sjogren’s support? Check out the Sjogren’s Summit - April 1st-2nd!: Medical disclaimer: 

All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Episode Sponsors

Rheum to THRIVE, an online course and support program Cheryl created to help people with rheumatic disease go from overwhelmed, confused and alone to confident, supported and connected. See all the details and join the program or waitlist now! 

For full episode details including a full transcript:

Go to the show page on the Arthritis Life website at www.MyArthritisLife.Net.