Previous Episode: 80. lies
Next Episode: 82. a dream

When your home doesn’t feel good.When the furniture doesn’t flow.When the light isn’t bright.When you don’t have nice art on the walls.When the litter box isn’t cleaned out.When you don’t have some plants and when you don’t have fresh produce.It will weaken your vibration, and you'll start to slip between the cracks and get stuck in your quest to turn pro.To become the best version of yourself. To win the war of art.To overcome the dark night of the soul.To rise above wherever it is you're stuck.So my advice to you is, make your place feel good.Do what you can to raise the frequency and make sure you keep your place clean, ok.That is the key to your success.Trust me...It starts with your environment.LET’S BE SOCIALConnect with me via my favourite hangouts;+ @ ArtistSarahLong on Instagram+ @AlcoholInkArtStories+ Art Stories Site+ Confessions of an Empath