Previous Episode: afraid of
Next Episode: my love

I met this girl the other day...It was around the same time I finished mastering a big alcohol ink art painting.I was walking down the street near my place, and there she was. BOOM...Just standing in front of me, all dressed up, wearing white with pearl white earrings on, and she was surrounded by the brightest golden aura I’d ever seen. So needless to say, her glory was blinding, so it was hard to see who she really was.But I don’t think I needed to see because she felt so amazing. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that she gave me a message to give to you. I heard it loud and clear, she said...“Sarah, you’re the one I’ve been dreaming of and I know we’ll be together soon. Just do what the higher-ups tell you to do."And then she disappeared into thin air like she wasn’t even there, but I could still feel her. And I can still feel her.It’s like she’s a part of me or something.And it’s weird...I feel like I’m someone else now and I don’t understand what’s happening. I feel very strange. Very wishy-washy. Very lazy. But I like it.It feels exciting.And I feel like something big is happening.But I can't see it ya know?I just have this deep knowing, ya know? I dunno what is it is I'm really talking about. Maybe it’s just a really cool love story like I've been dreaming about?Or maybe I’m crazy for thinking this crazy plan could actually work out.Work, to do what, I really don’t know.Save the world I guess...That seems to be the common message I get. But I know that’s not really the best way to describe it. The world doesn’t need to be saved.So let me put it to you this way...Maybe it’s about paving the narrow path so more than just a few can follow it.So maybe it’s about so many things I’m not even fully aware of yet. I dunno.I don't. But I do like this new version of myself She was striking to see, and that kind of chemistry is really mind-blowin' if you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm just thinking out loud about mySelf to myself. I'm out. SOCIAL MEDIA // @ArtistSarahLong http:://www.artistsarahlong.comhttp:://