Previous Episode: lost in love
Next Episode: this girl

She wants love but she's afraid of it...Why?What are you afraid of my love?You...And what you might do to me if you're the one I’ve been dreaming of.What could I possibly do to you besides make you feel really good?I dunno...Maybe that’s what I’m afraid of.Feeling good...It’s not something I’m used too, ya know?Most of my life stories are all about being hurt by someone good.And so sure, you might be everything that’s missing and you might give me all the things I need to become a higher version of me, but there’s a part of me...Like maybe a big part of me, that would rather risk never feeling those good feelings, than to risk being hurt by them eventually.But I would never hurt you...You can’t know that for sure.Sometimes people hurt each other and they don’t mean to. Like life just happens and then BOOM, next thing ya know someone’s selfish act breaks someone in half.And it’s usually me.And I’m finally feeling good with just me, and that feels good enough for me. So I'm like, why risk messing that up?Well, I think you need to change the way you think about us, for without love, you will never be free and that will limit your possibilities. So remember this...Love doesn’t mess up. It’s only your perspective of love that keeps you stuck. But if you let go of the fear, and you Love Love for all that She teaches you you will soon see how powerful you can be when you’re open to receive.But words don’t teach, do they?You have to actually experience Love to know what I’m really talking about, OK?So I’m here whenever you’re ready for me.Good day.SOCIAL MEDIA // @ArtistSarahLong http:://www.artistsarahlong.comhttp:://