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Next Episode: good friends

It’s fascinating to see a bright sunny day be invaded by a dark dreary cloud in less than an hour, which changes the vibe entirely.The sun feels nice. Like love. Like fun. Like hope. Like, let’s get out and do stuff, ya know?But the dark clouds bring downpours that make you wanna stay inside and daydream about brighter tomorrows...Which doesn’t actually exist. But it’s nice to imagine, isn’t it?Yes, yes it is...But this is life, isn’t it...A steady stream of light and dark.Yeah, you're right, it is. So it’s nice to remind ourselves that during moments of contrast, we know this too shall pass, be it good or bad. Which is reassuring especially if you hate where you’re at. But what if you could love it all?The highs and the lows...the dark and the light.Then you could always be in the flow. You could always be open to receive divine downloads...And you could if you just let go of the fear blocking your flow. And so I guess what I’m tryna say is that sometimes rainy days are an opportunity to grow. To be still and hydrate yourself. To open yourself up to being in love. To chill. To listen. These are the moments that really help us dig our roots and the deeper the roots the higher the shoots, which helps you see from a new point of view. And so when dark clouds come in and take the bright days away, just remember that behind the clouds the sun's still shining, you just have to choose to see it that way. And choosing to see the light is the key to being in a steady stream of good feelings if you ask me.That is all. Thank you for listening. Good day. SOCIAL MEDIA // @ArtistSarahLong  EMAIL // [email protected]