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Next Episode: the crimes

I'm just sitting here thinking about her and I wonder what she’s like now.I wonder if she’s become a better version of herself and if she loves herself unconditionally...I wonder if she has a good relationship with her kids and I wonder if she’s a good parent. A good mother? I wonder if she’s a good lover...Is her marriage to her husband fulfilling?Are they happy or does she just pretend to be?Does her work make her feel good and is she still growing?Is she happy where she’s going...where she’s been?And I wonder if I’ll ever see her again.I wonder if I did, would we still be good friends?And I wonder if I did, would we still be good friends?Would we still laugh like we did when we were kids?Would she still understand me in a way no one else ever did, but she always did?I wonder if she’d think I was crazy for doing what I did...All these things to wonder about as I sit here by the sea and I think about who she used to be...And who she’s become, and who we were when we were young, and I gotta say, I really miss my friend more than I thought I did.But to be honest I haven’t really thought about it much until now...But now that I’m older I sorta wish I was young again before life got so complicated. And it’s so fucked up because all growing up I just want to be a grown-up so I could be free to do what I want.And now here I am.All grown up, still trying to grow up...And I wish I had a friend like her again.SOCIAL MEDIA // @ArtistSarahLong  EMAIL // [email protected]