Previous Episode: 78. Change us
Next Episode: 80. lies

Yo, yo, did you know that you’re an artist, yo?You might not think of yourself as one, and you might not think you’re very creative or you might not think that your very good at your art, but being an Artist comes in many different forms, ya know. It could be through dance...Or through music...Or through paintingOr through writing...It could be in the way you build something or in the way that you communicate with someone.But regardless of what kind of artist you are, every day you have a blank canvas with a chance to create something amazing. So maybe you don’t finish something. Maybe you don't finish anything all for a really long time, but ya know, it’s the slight edge of showing up every day that turns your effort into progress, and that paves the way to new opportunities.YA DIG?So don’t get caught up in the perfection of your arting too much, cuz then you’ll never get ahead, cause you’ll never finish something if you’re always trying to make it better than what it was.Instead, embrace your passion...Embrace your passion.Embrace your passion....And commit to the daily practice of practicing and through that, you’ll find your edge cuz you’ll get better with time, and one day you’ll see that you have the power to create whatever it is you can dream.So trust me when I say...The artist in you wants your attention and the whole world is waiting for you to share your visions.So, please...Please.Please.Please.Give yourself permission to create epic shit.The world is waiting to see what you can come up with…OK?OK.LET’S BE SOCIALConnect with me via my favourite hangouts;+ @ ArtistSarahLong on Instagram+ @AlcoholInkArtStories+ Art Stories Site+ Confessions of an Empath