Previous Episode: Narcissistic people
Next Episode: lost in love

When I’m transforming into my higher self, I don’t like to eat very much. 

I don’t like to do much of anything really, but it does give me lots of time to think. And I’ve been thinking that the most profound life-changing decisions we make don’t really get recognized because they seem so small and subtle, so they aren’t worth mentioning or really looking at, ya know?

It's like you go so long doing this one thing, but if you really looked at what doesn’t seem like much, you might find it’s the root cause to something really big that's keeping you stuck. 

Like for example, maybe it’s the daily routine of having a coffee.

You’ve been doing it forever. You don’t think much of it. And it doesn’t appear to have a negative effect, so you think you like it. 

Meanwhile, the coffee you drink, goes into your mouth, staining your teeth, down your esophagus, and into your stomach creating a toxic, acidic environment.

Not to mention, coffee beans have a tendency for weakening the tight junctions it’s your intestinal wall lining, so then food particles can leak through and get into the bloodstream, and that then causes things like autoimmune condition and chronic inflammation. 

Which then over time creates more opportunities for other problems to occur.

So things like hormone problems, chronic pain, irritable bowel, mood disorders, osteoporosis, cancer, MS, anxiety, depression, restless legs, and low pain. Which then causes you to do self-sabotaging things. 

And then you try to fix those things with other things but it just makes those things worse so you go round and round in circles. 

But that’s because you can’t fix what’s broken if you don’t get to the root cause of what caused it to break in the first place.

And when it comes to facilitating good health, we all know by now, gut health is the root of it all.

Consider it like your operating system. 

I bet that’s where the subconscious lives. 

And so when you really think about it, drinking a seemingly innocent cup of coffee could be destroying the foundation of what keeps you well.

So I’m just thinking out loud, and it seems like not drinking coffee could be this really super small thing you could do, and as a result, change yourself entirely. 

When you stop drinking coffee your intestinal wall lining will be able to repair itself or at least stop getting worse, and your body will stop attacking itself. 

So then you’ll feel better, which will then take you closer to yourself and eventually you'll become your higher self and you won’t need coffee to pick you up anymore....because you got yourSelf.

I just think that's really cool, when you see the layers of things. 

The hardest part is to stop doing the thing you always do.

The thing you think you love...

It’s hard because your Monster...
The one that loves to do the same old same old, even if it’s bad for you...

(HE) hates change and (HE) loves to keep you in control.

So if you wanna change and get well and become the highest ideal version of yourself, then you will have to plan your changes wisely. 

Trust me. 
I know. 

And if your internal opposition is as destructive as mine was then you might just have to become someone else as a way to stop yourself from being your self. 


That is all the thoughts I have for today.

Well, thank you for sharing.

No problem. 
Good day. 

SOCIAL MEDIA // @ArtistSarahLong 

