Mark and Lauren Greutman were once living the American dream of fancy cars, custom homes and a pile of debt. They exchanged that over-rated, stressed-out dream for their new American dream of enjoying life together while living within their means.

The post AOMW 047 – Getting Out of Debt with Mark and Lauren Greutman appeared first on Wealth Clinic.

Mark and Lauren Greutman were once living the American dream of fancy cars, custom homes and a pile of debt. They exchanged that over-rated, stressed-out dream for their new American dream of enjoying life together while living within their means.

Today they are financially secure, stronger in their marriage, have a greater quality of life, and teach people how to prioritize their money so they too can live their new American dream.  Learn more about how they turned their life around and became debt free within a few short years! Check out their segment on ABC’s Nightline just last week! CLICK HERE  To learn more check out

The post AOMW 047 – Getting Out of Debt with Mark and Lauren Greutman appeared first on Wealth Clinic.
