Michael Linsin knows that positive classroom moments don’t just happen magically. In fact, a well-run classroom makes teaching-- and learning-- fun. His practical guides and tips come from years of experience and have culminated in his own online resource called Smart Classroom Management. In this episode, we dive deep into the how’s and why’s of best practices in classroom management, with a focus on art classrooms.

Tune in and be ready to mix up your classroom management style, so you can have more fun with your job and create a learning environment that transforms the lives of your students.


Show Highlights:

How Smart Classroom Management got its start Michael shares his tips on having a well-run classroom The importance of having a classroom management plan Why it doesn’t really matter what consequences you use in the classroom The most effective way to model behaviors you want students to emulate or avoid How to create an engaging lesson on classroom management for your students Why Michael doesn’t like reflection forms Misconceptions other teachers have about having a well-managed classroom Tips on how to build rapport with students How old is too old for time outs Types of consequences that work well for older students How reward and points systems in your classroom can be ineffective The importance of follow-through with your classroom management plan


Links Mentioned in the Show:

Smart Classroom Management

Facebook - Smart Classroom Management

Book - Classroom Management for Art, Music, and PE Teachers

Art Class Curator