Instead of only getting paid every two weeks, ever wish your salary could be streamed directly into your wallet, second by second? This technology is now possible, and it was built by Paul Berg with Sablier Finance!  

Around the Block is Presented by Blockzero Labs, a decentralized startup studio. Help us build, launch, and own the next generation of decentralized startups at

Paul Pre-Crypto - 4:09

Jumping Full-Time into Crypto - 6:00

Motivation Behind Creating Sablier - 6:32

Building Blocks of Sablier - 7:27

Working Through Roadblocks/Bugs - 9:41

Advice For Someone Looking to Startup in Crypto Space - 11:41

How to Stay Focused Amongst Crypto Distractions - 13:42

Acquisition Experience - 16:02

What Differentiates Sablier From Other Platforms? - 18:24

​What's Next For Sablier? - 19:41

What Excites/Interests Paul Outside of Crypto? - 20:30

If He Could Change One Thing About the Crypto Space, What Would It Be? -  22:43

​Outro - 24:24​