Around the Block with Nick Johnson (ENS Domains) | Episode Two | Presented by Blockzero Labs

Episode Two features the founder of ENS (Ethereum Name Service) Domains, Nick Johnson. In it, he covers: 

How he became an overnight celebrity at 14 years old for creating a Y2K bug fix
What keeps him motivated to continue building ENS
ENS overview - how to search for ENS names
Future Layer 2 solutions and integrations 
What he's most excited for within Ethereum
Advice for anyone looking to build within Crypto Space

Around the Block is Presented by Blockzero Labs, a decentralized startup studio. Help us build, launch, and own the next generation of decentralized startups at


2:15 How Nick Programmed a Y2K Bug Fix at 14 Years Old?!

5:45 Before Crypto | What Lead Nick to ENS?

7:56 What Is ENS? Motivation to Build It?

10:05 How to Check Out Available ENS Names

10:46 What Keeps Him Motivated to Keep Building ENS

12:44 ENS Overview

15:17 Passions Outside of Crypto

17:50 Under the Radar Projects He Likes

19:32 What's He Most Excited About Within Ethereum & ENS?

23:37 Who Inspires Nick?

26:22 Advice For Anyone Looking to Build In Crypto Space?

27:40 Closing