Previous Episode: Toxic Relationships!

Welcome back familia to another episode of Are We Adulting Yet!! This week the girls come together and catch up a little bit about how our week of adulthood went. We explain what happened on halloween and our perspective on the idea of dressing up and being someone you’re not. And then we go right into what’s really important. On this episode, we decided to discuss the benefits of creating a vision board. I know, this kind of sounds lame. But let’s be real, as we get older, it’s very easy to lose focus on our goals and dreams. And making a vision board is definitely a good way to get back in touch with all of that. We get caught up in this idea that we have to have it all, but we don’t realize the obstacles it takes to get there. We felt that the best way to do that was to sit back and really think about what it is that we want for ourselves. So we want the task of the week to be to relax and envision all of the things you want for yourself. Manifest all of that into your life, and come to terms with the fact that in order to get to where you want to be, it’s important to embrace the journey to getting there. Because you deserve it! We all do!

And in case you heard, we apologize for the way the sound is in this episode. We're still learning so please be patient with us. Or shit, hit us up and teach us a thing or two.

Oh hey! And don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to join our Adult Family!

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @areweadultingyetpodcast and use the hashtag #TASKAWAY to let us know what you think. Or if you have suggestions of any future tasks you want us to try to wipe off the map, feel free to comment or DM us!

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