Previous Episode: In competition with who?!

This week, we chit chat about the importance us women hold. We want to unleash all of that raw feminine energy and strength us chicas possess. So we are starting off with this episode, hopefully the first of many, to talk about what "pussy power" means to us. With social media being at an all time high, women have had even more of a platform to speak about their views on the topic and situations within their lives. This has been major because we now, more than ever, have a way to support each other! Having a cooch doesn't make you anything less, if anything it makes you more! We hold a lot of power within us and we're living in a day and age where all of that is finally being embraced, so it's time we hop on the bandwagon and encourage you all to start welcoming your capabilities as well! Yup, the task of the week is to dig deep and discover that fresh femininity that makes you the queen you are. And if you're not a woman, we encourage you to think of the ladies in your life and take a moment to tell them how much you appreciate them. Trust us, they'll love it! Women can legit be superhero's! Embrace the cooch and respect the cooch!

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @areweadultingyetpodcast and use the hashtag #TASKAWAY to let us know what you think. Or if you have suggestions of any future tasks you want us to try to wipe off the map, or think you'll be a great adult to talk to on the show, feel free to comment or DM us!

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