Moray Eels are a very interesting species of saltwater fish. They are a TRUE eel unlike the freshwater spiny eels. Moray Eels are well known for being intimidating and striking fear in people due to the way they move their mouths, but they don't do it to strike fear that is how they breath. When people think of Moray Eels, they think of the giants like the green moray and the giant moray eel. But there are many different kinds of morays, with many topping out at 2-4' which makes them perfect for a home saltwater aquarium.


~ Keeping Moray Eels in the Home Aquarium

Find out how to keep, feed and care for a Moray Eel in your saltwater aquarium.

~ Different Kinds of Morays and which ones are suitable for aquariums

There are 200 species of Moray Eels,...... of the 200 species of Moray eels, which ones can live in your tank?

~ Can you keep 2 or more morays in an aquarium?

~ Pebbled Tooth Moray Eels vs Fang Toothed Moray Eels

What is the difference?

~ Are Moray Eels reef safe?

So let's get to chatting Moray Eels!

Don't forget to email [email protected].... in email give name, fish you keep, favorite fish, and your career...... if you are one of the first 8 you will be on the first episode of Aquatic Wetline Aquatic Triva Game.

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