Tropical Fish Keeping is known to be a hobby. But I personally think of it as a Living Art. Us fish keepers personally get to create a piece of the oceans or rivers of the world as we keep some of the most exotic fish and inverts in a fish tank in our houses. It takes years to have the perfect show aquarium and when you finally have your tank set up perfectly you have created an underwear natural real painting. All of us fish keepers have memories whether it is setting up our first aquarium or getting a new fish. 

Planned for the show:

~ My Favorite Aquarium Hobby Memories

I will discuss my favorite moments in the aquarium hobby and why.

~ My Thoughts on the Aquarium Hobby changing 

Fish keeping in the 1990's and early to mid 2000's was a lot different than it is today. How has the fish keeping hobby changed?

~ Discussion on why people should enter the tropical fish hobby

~ Tips for Beginners

Don't forget to email [email protected].... in email give name, fish you keep, favorite fish, and your career...... if you are one of the first 8 you will be on the first episode of Aquatic Wetline Aquatic Triva Game.

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Tropical Fish Keepers of Aquatic Wetline:

A.C.TropicalFish1993 on Youtube

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