On PivotMe today, we have Yuri Elkaim, A New York Times bestselling author who turned his own health challenge (losing all of his hair at the age of 17) into a business that helped more than 500,000 people to better health and now the CEO of Healthpreneur®, a training and consulting company that helps health professionals and coaches build thriving virtual practices.

Yuri talked about how when we are comfortable, we don’t tend to make big sweeping improvements. 

He encouraged us to get curious with how we feel, with our energy. Even as simple as rating your energy every day on a scale from 1 to 10, and then get curious about your actions leading up to that. 

In this episode, we discuss prioritizing health, fitness, and a good morning routine. But also talked a lot about what makes people successful, and what challenges are. This is how we optimize the machine. Us. Run our body, treat our health like a critical component, to be optimized. 

Pivotal Questions Asked:

[8:51] What was the biggest change noticed, was it energy, or something else that stood out? [32:38] What else can we do to maintain a high energy level throughout the day? [34:12] Can you speak about the movement The Body Positivity between loving your body or accepting your body? [39:50] What is the through line of the people that has been successful making these changes in their life?

In This Episode You Will Learn:

[10:44] What matters the most when making a decision between eating a healthy meal vs going to do a workout. [18:36] How to be mindful on the decisions or choices we make throughout the day [29:28] Changing how we fundamentally present ourselves out to the world, what matters the most? [34:20] Importance of identifying yourself on how you're feeling and assessing yourself on a daily basis?


“How you heal anything is how you heal everything”. - Yuri [9:54]

“Treat your body and your health as if you were running a business, measuring the most important metrics] - Yuri [33:05]

“Love yourself to make positive choices” - Yuri [36:25]

Connect with Yuri here:

https://yurielkaim.com/ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/ https://www.facebook.com/yurielkaim1 https://www.youtube.com/user/yelkaim1


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