Our guest this week is Kim Karr, Co-Founder of the non-profit #ICANHELP, teaching students and adults to use technology and social media for good.

ICANHELP is an outcome-based program, receiving recognition from names like the New York Yankees, Google, Twitter, & Facebook. www.icanhelpdeletenegativity.org

Kim is joining us to discuss the work they do and how they are navigating during the quarantine.

(*Highlight timestamps are approx. based off either raw videos- see here www.pivot-me.com/interviews/ or podcast audio only)


1. Model good digital etiquette ourselves if we want others/our kids to have it

2. Students are not our future. They are our present

3. Never say “My kid would never do that!” You might be surprised.

4. Suggestions for parents “Show me your day”.

5. Check data each month. An increase can be a sign of trouble

6. Companies she needs to work with Amazon and Microsoft. Who do you know that can help?

7. She want to partner with a Marketing Firm or anyone who needs a good feel-good story. We are it!

8. Actively looking for mentor for the students and students as interns

What can you do today? To Be Productive. Effective. Perform at your best. Even now.

Are you struggling to stay focused?  If you have the right framework, it takes the guesswork out of Productivity.

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