Our guest Peter Brear is Owner, Operator and President of Starboard Aeronautical, specializing in manufacturing components for helicopters and fixed wing aircraft and Archer Plastics where they provide custom manufacturing for several industries. Peter is based in Vancouver, Canada

Website: www.starboardaero.com

(*Highlight timestamps are approx. based off either raw videos- see here www.pivot-me.com/interviews/ or podcast audio only)


1. Repurposed machinery to supply protective equipment during this crisis (2:53)

2. Make sure that accounts are paid in a timely manner to keep cash flowing and encourage customers to communicate if they are having difficulties (4:24)

3. Talk to your bank/lenders to see what kind of help or reprieve they may be offering on loans during this crisis (10:30) 

4. Remain calm, even if those around you are feeling anxious (26:58)

5. Tools to use in your mindfulness practice (29:20)

6. Do not hesitate to reach out for help (33:19)

7. Benefits to belonging to a Mastermind group (34:48)

What can you do today? To Be Productive. Effective. Perform at your best. Even now.

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