Jackie Munoz is owner and founder of J&H Insurance company based in Calgary, Canada. She specializes in ensuring clients with high-risk occupations and extreme sport enthusiasts to make sure that they and their families receive the help that they need, when they need it.

Facebook: J&H Insurance (@jandhinsurancecalgary)

(*Highlight timestamps are approx. based off either raw videos- see here www.pivot-me.com/interviews/ or podcast audio only)


1. Adapting business practices quickly to meet Canadian regulations for the insurance industry (4:40)

2. Adapt. Get out of your comfort zone and be flexible to serve your clients (6:02)

3. She created a script and a schedule for her staff so they could care for clients while following safety guidelines (7:25)

4. Shifting office/ business to virtual setting (8:44)

5. As a business owner and a leader, do not fear failure (10:46)

6. Positive self-talk to help you move forward during uncertainty (13:00)

7. Supporting and leading your team through challenging times (17:14)

8. It is ok to continue to sell a product if it provides value and service to your clients (19:02)

9. This time of hardship will pass. This can be a transformational time (25:04)

10. This will be such a small part of our story, keep a broader focus for the future (28:36)

11. Words of encouragement and advice for business leaders (32:29)

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