In this episode of PivotMe, April Garcia presents a compelling framework to help listeners reflect on the past year and prepare for the one ahead. She introduces 10 thought-provoking questions aimed at fostering self-awareness and goal setting for personal and professional growth.

Key Points:

Reflecting on Wins: Begin by identifying your biggest achievements of the past year to uncover patterns of success. Influential Individuals: Recognize the people who had the most significant impact on your life in 2023, whether through inspiration, support, or guidance. Improved Relationships: Evaluate the relationships that flourished in the past year and consider their importance in your journey. Learning Experiences: Identify the most profound lessons learned in 2023 and how they shaped your perspective. Unfinished Business: Address any unresolved matters or missed opportunities from the previous year. Habit Assessment: Assess the habits developed in 2023 and determine which ones are beneficial and worth maintaining. Self-Forgiveness: Reflect on areas where forgiveness is needed, whether directed towards oneself or others. Advice for the Future: Offer guidance to your future self based on insights gained from past experiences. Setting Goals: Define the most critical objectives for the upcoming year and establish a plan for achieving them. Immediate Actions: Identify actionable steps to initiate on this next quarter to set the tone for the year ahead.


In conclusion, April Garcia emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and intentional goal setting as essential components of personal and professional growth. By engaging with the 10 questions presented in this episode, listeners can gain valuable insights into their past experiences, identify areas for improvement, and chart a course for success in the new year. By taking proactive steps towards self-discovery and goal achievement.


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