In this episode, we explore the concept of creative destruction and its profound impact on personal and professional growth. Creative destruction involves reevaluating existing systems, practices, and mindsets to eliminate what no longer serves you.

April emphasizes the need to break free from old systems that might be holding you back. Whether you're running a business or seeking personal growth, it's crucial to adapt your strategies as you scale and evolve. Running a $2M business should not mirror the practices of a $200K business.

By creatively destroying outdated systems and embracing change, you create space for new opportunities, growth, and innovation. April encourages listeners to evaluate their own systems and challenge the status quo to ignite transformation and progress.

Don't be afraid to let go of what's no longer working; sometimes, destruction is the path to renewal and success. Tune in to discover how creative destruction can be a catalyst for reaching new heights.


Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you.

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