In this episode of PivotMe, we embark on a journey of self-discovery to uncover the hidden world of self-sabotage – behaviors that may be undermining our own success without our conscious awareness.

Here are the key takeaways from this episode:

The Core Problem: We introduce the central theme that drives PivotMe – self-sabotage – and why understanding it is crucial for personal growth.

The Challenge of Self-Recognition: Exploring the complexity of recognizing our own self-sabotaging tendencies, often more challenging than understanding others.

The Key to Success: Understand why your success is directly linked to your ability to control self-sabotaging behaviors.

Three Common Forms of Self-Sabotage: We delve into three flavors of self-sabotage: perfectionism, white knighting, and creative avoidance.

Perfectionism Unveiled: Discover how the pursuit of perfection can delay progress and be driven by fear rather than a desire for excellence.

The White Knight Syndrome: Understand the allure of fixing other people's problems as a way of avoiding our own and the impact it can have on our success.

Creative Avoidance Exposed: Learn about the art of creating additional tasks to feel productive while sidestepping high-value tasks that matter most.

Awareness and Choice: Understand the importance of awareness in recognizing your own self-sabotage tendencies and how to make the choice to do things differently.

The Challenge: Identify how you self-sabotage in your life and create a plan to overcome it. Don't settle for "this is how it is" – you have the power to choose a different path.