Are the negative thoughts you’re having serving you? Most of the automatic negative thoughts you often have rarely protect you from getting hurt, they only cost you opportunities.

In this episode of PivotMe, April explains the automatic negative thoughts and the 7 steps to identify and destroy them. Listen in to learn how you can start paying attention to the negative thoughts you’re having, evaluate if they’re true, and then rewire your brain to positive thinking. 

 In This Episode You Will Learn:

[2:05] PivotMe’s branding journey to YouTube – the resistance and finally taking the action. [4:36] ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) – what they are and how to kill them or replace them with badass thoughts. [9:38] How to shift your thinking from the negative you believe others think of you to the positive. [10:20] Eliminate negative labels on yourself or others. [13:00] The 7-step formula to recognize your thoughts, change them, and rewire your brain. [20:12] The process of rewiring your brain to positivity so it can start serving you. 


“Stop for a moment, evaluate the opportunities that lie in front of you, and then make a decision instead of simply dismissing the opportunity.”- April [3:31] “Negative thoughts keep us small; they keep us frustrated, they keep us angry, they sour our relationships with others and with ourselves, and they rob us of the joy of the moment.”- April [4:16] “A lot of times those negative narratives that we build are really around something that we’re insecure about, not necessarily something that the other person is thinking.”- April [10:07] “Our brain is there to protect us not always to empower us; it doesn’t usually make us the best version of ourselves, it makes us the most cautious version of ourselves.”- April [18:57]


Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you.


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