Do you ever feel like taking time for yourself is an indulgence you must earn? That's a common misconception we're here to debunk. Welcome to an episode dedicated to self-care, where we break down its importance, especially during times of crisis and high stress. We also learn why self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. I recount a memorable family adventure that teaches us the power of patience and tenacity, elements that are as crucial to self-care as they are to life's many pursuits.

Ever wondered how high performers balance self-care with their intense schedules? We delve into this conundrum, discussing why self-care is not a task to be earned, but an integral part of our routine that helps us reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. I share personal experiences and activities that I have adopted to prioritize my well-being. We hear inspiring stories of individuals who manage to incorporate self-care while achieving remarkable results. A challenge is also thrown to listeners to create their own list of self-care activities.

Finally, we explore the role of understanding and serving our community. We discuss how we can use our unique talents to contribute positively and how connecting with others adds value to our lives. Hear about the amazing contributors and clients that make this podcast possible and discover ways to get more tips on success and support this podcast. This episode is filled with insightful stories, valuable lessons, and actionable tips that promote self-care and community involvement. Don't miss out!

In this episode you will learn:

(0:00:04) - The Importance of Self-Care in Crisis
Self-care, patience, and tenacity are discussed in relation to nature's importance during stressful situations.

(0:03:32) - Self-Care for High Performers
Self-care is important for reducing stress, from massage to paddle boarding, to prioritize it.

(0:15:56) - Self-Care Importance and Overcoming Guilt
Participants define self-care, explore how excellence and self-care go hand-in-hand, and create a list of 10 self-care activities.

(0:29:14) - Understanding and Serving the Community
Providing tips to hack success, connecting with contributors and clients, and supporting the podcast.

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Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you.


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