Are you feeling stuck or unmotivated lately? Do you need a little push to get back on track and start achieving your goals? You're not alone; we all have days and weeks that simply suck, but giving up is never an option.

In this episode, April shares insights on how to thrive in life by drafting off others and never quitting using the peloton metaphor. She explains how to improve your personal and professional life by refocusing and reenergizing yourself through various methods.

Listen in to learn how with the right team and a willingness to do the work, everyone can eventually take their turn at the lead and lessen the resistance for others on their team.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

[01:45] Why people don’t share their struggles in life and work settings.

[03:18] The Peloton Metaphor – why it’s okay to draft off at times in life, to peddle a little slower and conservative energy, but not okay to quit.

[05:54] The importance of refocusing and reenergizing to stay on your journey instead of quitting.

[07:45] Understand that you won’t rock every time, and learn to take the time to recover. 


“When you’re with the right team, everybody takes a turn at the lead; when you do the work, you will eventually take your turn at the lead again.”- April [07:31]

“It doesn’t matter that you’re moving slower; if you’re tired right now, if you feel like you need to catch your breath for a second, that is okay.”- April [08:26]


Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you.


👉👉 Connect with me here: 



