What problem does this episode solve? Parents not being present and missing the raising of their kids.

In this episode PivotMe, April reflects on how to be very intentional in our parenting and actually enjoy the process.

April will bring some perspective and levity to one of the toughest jobs on earth. For sure the most challenging and rewarding job we will ever have.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

[8:18] How to understand our kid's love language and what drives them [17:17] What happens when we as parents get frustrated and angry emotions [26:58] Showing our kids how to live the life we want them to live

What can you do today? To Be Productive. Effective. Perform at your best. Even now.

Are you struggling to stay focused? If you have the right framework, it takes the guesswork out of Productivity.

Get our FREE mini-series 4 Steps: Doing More in Less Time. Visit pivot-me.com/4Steps to get it TODAY!