Have you been overwhelming yourself with work responsibilities and decisions on Sunday night? But you already know that your weekend is for you and your family to enjoy and to have fun, not to work. What to do then?

In this episode, April talks about the terrible practice of overwhelming yourself with work on a Sunday night and the dangers it poses. Listen in to learn how you can stop this bad practice by focusing on your gains at the end of a workday and not the gap.

What you will learn in this episode:

[1:50] Stop making your Sunday night your Monday morning because it erodes your balance and will eventually lead to a breakdown. [3:49] How to plan your next week in advance, on Friday at 2 pm. [4:49] Look at the gain you made at the end of your workday, not the gap, which will make you feel accomplished and change the way you show up. [7:22] Be present, be where your feet are. Stop robbing yourself of the joy of being in the moment with your family while thinking of work. 


“We want breakthroughs, not breakdowns.” [2:25] “Last part of the day you focus on the gain, not the gap.” [5:49] “How you leave your workday is often how you walk through the front door of your home.” [6:05]

What can you do today? To Be Productive. Effective. Perform at your best. Even now.

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