Previous Episode: April 2010
Next Episode: June 2010


Aprender ingles gratis con La Mansion del Ingles. Un podcast para mejorar la gramatica, el vocabulario y la pronunciacion del inglés. Una leccion del ingles con ejemplos y ejercicios.
Learn English free with podcasts from La Mansion del Ingles. Improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. This English lesson contains examples and exercises.


Podcast Transcription

Hi and welcome to another Mansión Inglés podcast from, recorded for May 2010.

Thank you for all your support on Facebook. We really enjoy reading your comments. It’s a lot of fun for me to have students from so many different countries. Gracias por sus amables palabras sobre el cuaderno del mes pasado. Especialmente en nuestra página de Facebook. Si quieres seguirnos y participar en la página, busca La Mansión del Inglés desde tu cuenta de Facebook.


Let’s continue with the list of irregular verbs that we started last month. Vamos a continuar con la lista de verbos irregulares en inglés que hemos empezado el mas pasado.


¿Qué es el verbo comprar en inglés? To buy Escucha y repite: buy – bought – bought

Next is the verb to catch repeat catch –caught– caught escucha el sonido vocal /au/ caught - caught

El verbo venir en ingles is  to come - come – came – come

costar is to cost the verb to cost doesn’t change in the past or past participle. La forma no cambia escucha: cost – cost – cost

Morder is to bite – bite - bit – bitten

Otro verbo que no cambia es el verbo cortar – to cut repeat: cut – cut – cut. cortar y pegar = cut and paste.

El verbo elegir is to choose – repeat – choose – chose – chosen –again – otra vez -  choose – chose – chosen

Hacer is to do repeat – do or does I do, you do, they do, we do – he does, she does, it does. Repeat: do/does – did - done

Soñar is to dream – There are two possible forms for the past and participle of dream. Hay dos formas posibles  – dream - dreamt DREAMT dreamt or dreamed DREAMED dreamed– dreamt or dreamed Repeat: dream – dreamt – dreamt or dream – dreamed - dreamed

Do you know the verb beber en inglés? ¿Sabes como decir el verbo beber en inglés? It’s to drink repeat: to drink – drink – drank - drunk.

And finally the verb conducir. En inglés to drive. Listen/escucha drive – drove – driven. Repeat: drive – drove - driven


Ahora escucha de nuevo y intenta decir el segundo y tercero forma del verbo antes que lo digo yo.


buy -                bought - bought        

catch -             caught - caught        

come -              came - come             

cost -               cost - cost               

cut -                 cut - cut                  

choose -            chose - chosen         

do -                  did - done                

dream -             dreamt - dreamt        

drink -               drank - drunk            

drive -               drove – driven


Now let’s talk about some verbs we can use to talk about the body and things you do with your body. 


To cough in Spanish is toser. The spelling is really strange: COUGH cough. Yeah I know – English spelling is crazy. It’s mad. No tiene sentido – it makes no sense. Anyway, the pronunciation is cough. It’s also a noun – a cough. I’ve got a bad cough. Repeat. I’ve got a bad cough. People who smoke a lot may have a smoker’s cough. Repeat a smoker’s cough. Have you got a smoker’s cough?

To breathe- BREATHE -  is respirar. Repeat: to breathe. I can’t breathe in here. The noun is breath – BREATH (sin la E). She’s got bad breath.

To yawn is bostezar. If you’re tired and bored during this podcast, you’ll probably be yawning. – to yawn.

Atchooo! - Estornudar – is to sneeze. If you have a cold you’ll probably be sneezing. We can say to catch a cold. Repeat: to catch a cold. What’s the past form of catch?.....caught. Very good! I caught a cold last week. Actually, that’s true. When I went on holiday at Easter I caught a cold. I caught a cold in Navarra.

To sigh – SIGH - suspirar – It’s also a noun. He gave a deep sigh when he saw her.

To snore is – roncar – SNORE. My dad snores really loudly.


OK, I’ll say the Spanish verb and you say the translation before I do. Ready?


toser  - to cough

respirar  - to breathe

bostezar  - to yawn

estornudar – to sneeze

suspirar  - to sigh

roncar - to snore


The following verbs are often used when we talk about food and eating.


Masticar in English is to chew. Chew your food well. Chicle in English is chewing gum.

eructar in English is to burp. In some countries it’s polite to burp after eating. It shows appreciation. Not in the UK though. It’s considered rude (mal educado). That doesn’t stop my sister. She’s always burping.

How do we say tragar in English? - to swallow – Drink water when you swallow the pill. A pill is una pastilla

lamer in English is to lick. Lick ice cream, lick your lips – tus labios. Whenever I see a good chocolate cake I lick my lips.

morder in English is to bite. I’m not going to bite you. No te voy a morder.

chupar in English is to suck. Here’s a joke that you can tell your English teacher (if you have one). “I had a friend who drowned in a bowl of muesli. A strong current sucked him in.” Ask your teacher to explain that one.



Let’s see what you remember. I’ll say the Spanish verb and you say the translation before I do. OK, here we go.


morder - to bite

chupar – to suck

tragar – to swallow

masticar – to chew

lamer – to lick 

eructar – to burp 


Ok, let’s look at some verbs now that are used in connection with the eyes and the face.


parpadear means  to blink. I blinked in the sunlight when I came out of the cinema.

guiñar el ojo – to wink. I winked at a girl in a bar yesterday, but she ignored me. The story of my life. Do you remember suspirar  - to sigh. I have no luck with girls. Maybe I should stop winking at them.

Ruborizarse in English is to blush. I’m very shy (timido). I blush easily. Girls put blusher on their face to make their cheeks (sus mejillas) red. Blusher is make-up (maquillaje)

sonreír abiertamente is to grin - GRIN. She was so happy to see me that she was grinning from ear to ear.

fruncir means to frown. I frowned when I realised we were going to be late again. Why are you frowning? What’s wrong?


Once again, I’m going to say the Spanish verb and I want you to say the English verb before I do. Ready?


parpadear – to blink

guiñar el ojo – to wink

ruborizarse – to blush

sonreír abiertamente – to grin

fruncir – to frown

And I apologise for my bad Spanish pronunciation.


In the business English section this month, there was an exercise to practise prepositions. Prepositions are difficult in English because they are often different from Spanish, so it doesn’t always help to translate.

Listen and repeat the sentences. All of the sentences start with the expression “I’m afraid…” . I’m afraid means Me temo or “I’m sorry, but….”


I'm afraid the manager’s at lunch.

I'm afraid Mr. Smith is in New York all this week.

I'm afraid she's on the other line.

I'm afraid Ms Walker is out of the office at the moment. Can I take a message?

I’m afraid he won’t be able to phone you back until this afternoon.

I'm afraid Ms Samuels is on holiday until next Wednesday.

I'm afraid Mr. Jameson is in a meeting at the moment.

I'm afraid you've been put through to the wrong department.

I'm afraid he's on a business trip until Thursday.

I'm afraid Mrs. Reeves is at our Head Office today.


Well, that’s it for this month. Thanks for listening. Remember to visit our online shop where you can find our business English cd, our First Certificate cd for the Cambridge FCE exam, our audio cds and many more. Just go to the webpage and click on the cds on the right side of the home page. You can also follow us on Twitter, just search for MansionTwit, and don’t forget to join our growing community on our Facebook fan page.


See you next time!