1:50 - Using AI for the environment6:55 - AI spices for agriculture12:15 - AI in outdoor uses15:15 - Green AI in Seekar's work22:15 - Training AI models for a green AI approach27:10 - Seekar in the medical space, and covid19 opportunities39:15 - NLP tradeoffs and takeaways43:10 - Similarities in practicing jiu-jitsu and AI


Building AI models to be greener, and Seekar's Research Gate paper. This paper gives more insight into how Seekar was able to compress a large AI model down to a small enough size without compromising accuracy or performance.COVID-AI app from AppStoreExeda (Exploratory Emotional Detection Agent), mentioned in reference of using NLP for emotion recognition. Seekar's goal is to develop a psychological screening tool that can be downloaded as an app and used to check mental health daily through a 30-second voice recording in a similar manner as one brushes their teeth daily. 80% of personal communication happens through body language and Seekar’s products are utilizing this principle to better treat mental health. Research paper in progress.