It's our first episode!

Welcome one and all to the first episode of Appitalize On Your Idea: The PodCast. In this episode I give a quick review of what the podcast is going to be, before interviewing our first guest Kyle Samani of

Kyle and I discuss Pristine's product, which is a video streaming tool for the medical industry. Thanks to Google Glass, doctors, nurses and paramedics can now stream medical issues to any other device. An example from the show is a paramedic who is streaming and communicating with the hospital getting real time information, as well as sending it back to the hospital via video.

Kyle got up and running by blogging 3 times a week. His motivator? Stickk is a site that motivates you by giving money from your account to a charity that you hate. A great motivator for so many people. Thanks to his blogging Kyle caught the eye of a doctor who wanted to invest in Kyle. Hence the beginning of

For our first episode, I think we did pretty outstanding!

Links Mentioned During the Show: - Kyle's company
Pristine on Twitter
Kyle's Blog
Meta-View SpaceGlasses
Atheer Labs
Leap Motion - Motion controllerFor more details check out Appitalize On Your Idea.

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