During Swetugg in Stockholm, I sat down together with Glenn F. Henriksen and talked about event-based serverless architecture. We had a great conversation where we talked about, EventHub, EventGrid, ServiceBus, Functions and much more.

During Swetugg in Stockholm, I sat down together with Glenn F. Henriksen and talked about event-based serverless architecture. We had a great conversation where we talked about, EventHub, EventGrid, ServiceBus, Functions and much more.

Glenn F. Henriksen on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/glennhenriksen/
Glenn F. Henriksen on Twitter: @henriksen

Daniel Hindrikes on twitter: @hindrikes
App In The Cloud on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/appinthecloud

Intro music with a loop from: https://www.looperman.com/

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