Apostolic Keynote messages from Kingdom Faith artwork

Apostolic Keynote messages from Kingdom Faith

458 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings

Life-defining messages of encouragement and direction, usually from Colin Urquhart. This podcast is updated weekly with a new episode.

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Clive Urquhart - The sound of mercy and joy

November 03, 2010 10:00

03-Nov-2010 - Jesus lived a life of mercy and love, of acceptance that brought others into freedom, joy, and hope.

Colin Urquhart - What is your expectation?

October 26, 2010 10:30

26-Oct-2010 - Expectation is a very important part of faith. We need to live as those who expect God to work through us everyday to impart life and light into the situations and lives of those around us. When we...

Colin Urquhart - Encountering God

October 19, 2010 10:30

19-Oct-2010 - Through the Cross the veil was torn in two and Jesus made a way for us to enter in to the Holy of holies. God wants us to draw near to His throne of grace and encounter Him in His glory so that we are changed to become more like Him

Colin Urquhart - Encountering God

October 19, 2010 10:30

19-Oct-2010 - Through the Cross the veil was torn in two and Jesus made a way for us to enter in to the Holy of holies. God wants us to draw near to His throne of grace and encounter Him in His glory so that we are changed to become more like Him

Clive Urquhart - The power of response

October 12, 2010 10:30

12-Oct-2010 - Our choices determine how we are positioned before God and our response to what He says determines the outcome. As we, like Gideon, move from being driven by our reactions born out of fear to being...

Colin Urquhart - Impartation

September 21, 2010 10:30

21-Sep-2010 - Impartation is a point of contact which helps to release faith in the one who is receiving to believe that at that moment God is Himself imparting something to them. When we lay hands on someone in...

Clive Urquhart - A good harvest

September 07, 2010 10:30

07-Sep-2010 - God's purpose for us in this season is that we would be people of good soil with good hearts who maintain their trust in the Word and through perseverance produce a good harvest

Clive Urquhart - The life of faith

August 31, 2010 10:30

31-Aug-2010 - True faith is being sure of the hope we have and being certain that we shall see what has been promised, even though we do not see these things at present - (Hebrews11:1). The life of faith starts...

Colin Urquhart - The power of affirmation

August 24, 2010 10:30

24-Aug-2010 - When we affirm the truth of God’s Word over our lives this leads to the release of His life and His power to change the circumstances around us. The Holy Spirit and the Word work together to create...

Colin Urquhart - Giving God glory

August 17, 2010 10:30

17-Aug-2010 - The more we fix our eyes on Jesus the more He will be glorified in our lives. When we focus on activity and ministry rather than relationship with Him we miss the point

Colin Urquhart - Let your attitude be the same as Christ Jesus'

July 20, 2010 10:30

20-Jul-2010 - God wants our attitudes to reflect that of Christ Jesus Himself. That the way we see people, how we treat them and how we pray for them flows out of a heart of love and mercy - His heart for them

Clive Urquhart - Discipleship (Part 3)

July 13, 2010 10:30

13-Jul-2010 - Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. When we're leading someone to Christ it's important that we go through the scriptures with them showing them the truth and helping them understand the decision they are about to make

Clive Urquhart - Discipleship (Part 2)

July 06, 2010 10:30

06-Jul-2010 - Investing in people might seem like a challenge at first but it is so worth it. As we pray God breaks up the hard ground in people's hearts so that they are come to the point of receiving the seed on good ground and bearing fruit themselves

Clive Urquhart - Discipleship (Part 1)

June 29, 2010 10:30

29-Jun-2010 - In this first part of a series on discipleship we look at how salvation is established in someone's life. When we understand what we are saved from - sin, death and hell - we can better comprehend and step into the new life Jesus came to give us

Clive Urquhart - From followers to disciples

June 22, 2010 10:30

22-Jun-2010 - God wants us to move from being followers to being disciples; people who live fruitful and devoted lives, taking responsibility and initiative, not just one of the pack. Disciples are made, not born and God wants us to go and make disciples of all nations

Clive Urquhart - From sons to fathers

June 15, 2010 10:30

15-Jun-2010 - The Church needs spiritual fathers to raise mature believers. God is looking for those that will be fathers

Colin Urquhart - You can't seperate love from obedience

June 08, 2010 10:30

08-Jun-2010 - Obedience comes from a submitted heart. The more submitted we are, the more God can work through us

Colin Urquhart - Unity and diversity

June 01, 2010 10:30

01-Jun-2010 - Living in harmony with God and others will release the blessing. Our relationship with God is seen in our relationships with others.

Colin Urquhart - It's time to accelerate

May 25, 2010 10:30

25-May-2010 - God is calling us to advance in this season, not sit back or coast, but like an athlete in strict training to press on towards the goal with our hearts and minds set on Him in obedience and faith

Colin Urquhart - The qualities of God's love

May 18, 2010 10:30

18-May-2010 - The nature and the qualities of God's love can be seen in us when we depend on the spirit not the soul. The works that will last are the ones that are done in obedience to the Father and through the...

Colin Urquhart - Are you thirsty for God?

May 04, 2010 10:30

04-May-2010 - God's desire is for a people whose hearts are set on Him, who long and thirst for His presence, so that what flows out of our lives are streams of living water which overflow and bless the dry and thirsty land

Colin Urquhart - True repentance

April 27, 2010 10:30

27-Apr-2010 - An in-depth exposition on Psalm 51 looking at the redeeming and restoring power of God that is released as a result of David's true repentance. God not only wants to cleanse us from our sins and...

Clive Urquhart - Be ready, live ready

April 20, 2010 10:00

20-Apr-2010 - In the same way that Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil, having been anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power, we too need to live ready to do whatever He...

Steve Kennedy - How to get out of jail

April 13, 2010 10:30

13-Apr-2010 - A great attitude, being a person of integrity and having the high praises of God in our mouth are three keys to help us fight the good fight of faith and scatter enemy opposition coming our way

Colin Urquhart - Victory over adversity

April 06, 2010 10:30

06-Apr-2010 - Jesus said "in this world you will have tribulation." The Christian message is not that God will save us from trouble, but that He gives us victory over it when it comes

Colin Urquhart - Kingdom motivation

March 30, 2010 10:30

30-Mar-2010 - Those who live as the Sons of God who are led by the Spirit will advance with His Kingdom. When our motivation and priority is seeking first His Kingdom and living in right relationship with God we will advance and run to win the prize set before us

Colin Urquhart - Reward!

March 23, 2010 10:30

23-Mar-2010 - God's ultimate reward for those who through faithfulness and perseverance run the race is the crown of life. God rewards us according to what we do in obedience to His commands

Clive Urquhart - Out of intimacy comes victory

March 16, 2010 10:30

16-Mar-2010 - If we're going to pursue the purposes of God and live in victory we can't live by reason or natural understanding but only by revelation which comes out of an intimate walk with Him

Clive Urquhart - The spirit of advancement (2)

March 09, 2010 10:30

09-Mar-2010 - Advancement is not by accident – it's by design, purpose and intention. When we advance towards the frontline God contends for us against our enemies. David ran quickly to the battle line to meet his opposition

Colin Urquhart - Believe to receive

March 02, 2010 10:30

02-Mar-2010 - God's grace is a gift, you do not need to fight to receive anything from God - Jesus has already done everything we need for breakthrough!

Colin Urquhart - Lose your self

February 23, 2010 10:30

23-Feb-2010 - Jesus said: "Whoever seeks to save his own life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." Everyday we are to deny our self, pick up our cross and follow Him. The more we die...

Colin Urquhart - Praise with intent

February 16, 2010 10:30

16-Feb-2010 - As soon as we start praising God He releases the power we need to see victory in our situations. His hand is poised and ready, waiting for our praise - give thanks in all circumstances!

Colin Urquhart - Applying the Blood

February 09, 2010 10:30

09-Feb-2010 - When we apply the Blood of Jesus in our lives we live in the good of what He has already accomplished and the victory that has been established through the Cross

Colin Urquhart - Staying on the Cross

February 02, 2010 10:30

02-Feb-2010 - When we live as those who have been crucified with Christ and declare daily "not my will but Yours be done" the message we proclaim will contain life, not self, and will impact many

Colin Urquhart - Full of the grace of God

January 26, 2010 10:30

26-Jan-2010 - God is able to cause all His grace to overflow in your life, so that in all things at all times, you will have all you need and much more

Colin Urquhart - Called to live as sons

January 19, 2010 10:30

19-Jan-2010 - When we live as the sons of God the Holy Spirit leads us into the fulfilment of His plan and purpose over our lives

Colin Urquhart - 3 keys to living in God's will

January 12, 2010 10:30

12-Jan-2010 - We're called to be a people who live for the Glory of God, for the good of His Kingdom and for the welfare of His people

Colin Urquhart - Extraordinary grace and great opportunity

January 05, 2010 10:30

05-Jan-2010 - The abundant harvest will only come when we respond in obedience to His Word and trust in His extraordinary grace

Colin Urquhart - The importance of right response

December 22, 2009 10:30

22-Dec-2009 - We can learn from the responses of those surrounding and involved with the birth of Jesus; right response releases God's blessing

Colin Urquhart - God is in charge

December 15, 2009 10:00

15-Dec-2009 - No matter how His purpose unfolds, no matter what opposition or persecution, all things will work together for our Good because God is in charge

Colin Urquhart - A new facet of faith

December 08, 2009 10:30

08-Dec-2009 - Jesus said "At last you believe." Faith doesn’t ask questions, it believes that He is in control and trusts Him for the answers

Colin Urquhart - A faithful heart

December 01, 2009 10:30

01-Dec-2009 - The key to faithfulness is having a faithful and servant heart

Clive Urquhart - God's salvation purposes

November 24, 2009 10:30

24-Nov-2009 - A journey through Romans 9-11 looking at God’s salvation purpose for His chosen people - Jews and Gentiles - and how we by faith can enter in

Clive Urquhart - A people of faith possess the land

November 17, 2009 10:30

17-Nov-2009 - This is the time to press in, lay hold and possess the land that God has already given us by faith

Colin Urquhart - The nature of His grace

November 10, 2009 10:30

10-Nov-2009 - Everything that is His is already ours…by His grace. All we have to do is lay hold of it by faith

Colin Urquhart - From revelation to experience

November 03, 2009 10:30

03-Nov-2009 - God doesn’t call us to just know the theory but to know and experience the reality of His presence in our lives

Colin Urquhart - The Risen Christ in You

October 27, 2009 10:30

27-Oct-2009 - Allowing the risen glorified Christ in you to flow out of you without limitations

Colin Urquhart - Trust in Christ within you

October 20, 2009 10:30

20-Oct-2009 - The more yielded we are to Him and the more we trust in Him the more God can use us and express His life through us

Colin Urquhart - Complete in Him

October 13, 2009 10:30

13-Oct-2009 - Jesus came to live in us so that His life, His love and everything that He is can be expressed in and through our lives

Colin Urquhart - A victorious life over sin

October 06, 2009 10:30

06-Oct-2009 - The people God is preparing are consecrated, set apart and living victorious lives over sin because of the Cross
