In this episode we open with Juneteenth being recognized as a federal holiday despite several laws being enacted to ban the teaching of critical race theory before moving on to a breaking story by Knox News Sentinel
uncovering the cover-up of racism being a deep-seated problem of KPD. In our main story, the tragic death and heroism of Deona Marie Knajdek who, while using her vehicle as a blockade for a group of protesters, was killed by a
POS white supremacist barreling towards them at 100 mph. ERCOT in Texas still sucks, unable to keep up with the power use in the summer heat, and SCOTUS rules in favor of a Catholic agency that discriminates against screening
LGBTQ couples for adoption. We briefly touch on the Missouri lawyers that pointed guns towards protestors pleading guilty to simple misdemeanors before ending on a couple of ACAB of the week stories in Honolulu.

Links to the articles

Knoxville Police Department Cover-Up of Officer's Racist Comments

Deona Marie Knajdek killed when driver plowed into Minneapolis protesters as she was using her car as street blockade

'Unplanned' outages hit Texas power plants in soaring temperatures

3 Honolulu police officers charged in killing of 16-year-old boy

Video Shows Black Man In Hawaii Was Apologizing for Entering Wrong Building, Shot Dead By Police