In this episode we kick off delightfully wanting to eat the rich with an article detailing how the world's richest avoid paying income tax. After having a bit of fun with shitting on billionaires we cover a story regarding
a teacher reprimanded for teaching about white racism in history class leading to a topic how republicans are passing an onslaught of bills designed to control woman, keep people in poverty, and create more republicans. A hospital in
Houston suspends 178 people that refused the COVID vaccine and Mike Lindell (MyPillow Guy) is a complete idiot. In our C segment we segue into how religion is toxic and prayer is futile. We wrap up with our ACAB of the week segment with
two stories: a cop performs a PIT maneuver on pregnant woman following the advice of AR police to safely pull over, and another cop sends elicit images from a detained woman's device to his personal phone.

Links to the articles

Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

Sullivan school board upholds written reprimand of tenured Central High teacher

Houston hospital suspends 178 employees who refused Covid-19 vaccination

Woman suing State Police after trooper used PIT maneuver on her vehicle

After her arrest, she found her explicit photos sent to a strange number. A state trooper answered the line.

FosterWoods Folk School Stream