So you want to start a YouTube Channel? Wondering where to begin and where to start? Well, have a look at this video. We are a small video channel that has really just started. I also host a podcast called Anything Goes Project. That was my primary focus for quite some time until my listeners ask me to ramp up the video channel. So I did. Prior to this, Youtube has been mainly my dumping ground for guest interviews. Interview, Shoot, Record, minimal editing and post. It was so my listeners could see my guests.

I spent several months talking to video creators and video influencers, read tons of literature, bought books on the subject to get me prepared for this new improvement on Youtube. One book that was very helpful was YouTube Secrets by Sean Cannell at the Video Influencers (@seancannell). This audio is from that video and is a small breakdown to encourage you, the listener, that it is not too late to get started on YouTube and have a blast doing it. I've put my contact info throughout this video is you wish to join my community and learn the process too. Basically, If I Can Do It, So Can YOU...

Thanks for Listening. All my contact info can be found here, including mailing address:

Please hit the subscribe button, tell a friend, or give us a rating. It helps the show to be seen. The podcast can also be found on Itunes, Google Play, Castbox, Spotify, TuneIn, Podbean or anywhere a podcast can be heard.

You can view more of the shows from our interviews here:

Don't forget, we have a phone number for you to leave a voice mail. 361-433-5739.

If you have a story, call in and tell it, we will air it on the show. As part of our new segment, Anything Goes Project After Dark, we will be discussing the strange, weird, and paranormal. Definitely share your story with us. If you want to be old school and drop us some snail mail, you rock and can send it to the address below. Also, remember if you need to get rid of an item that you think maybe haunted, don't throw it out, mail it here:

Anything Goe Project

P.O. Box 455

Lolita, Tx. 77971

If you are interested in being a guest on the show, contact us via email, the hotline number or simply fill out this guest intake form.