Does shame prevent you from being your authentic self in relationships? Does it turn you into a people pleaser who prioritizes others’ needs over your own?

This week on the Anything for Love podcast, we’re talking about shame and how it can affect the way you show up in relationships. 

Shame can cause friction for people at all different stages of their life and relationships. This is why I coach with women, anyone from those who may have just broken up with someone or are single, who are actively dating, and some who are currently in a relationship. 

Does shame around rejection prevent you from showing someone you like them out of fear that if they knew, they’d reject you? Many of us have been inhibited in this way before and it’s important to recognize this behavior in ourselves to allow our authentic selves shine through.

Check out this week’s podcast episode to learn more about shame in relationships, the difference between shame and guilt, and how you can learn to recognize these patterns in your own life!