Previous Episode: Who Were Cavemen?

This week we’ve seen that so-called “ancient” humans were just humans, like us.

This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability.

This week we’ve seen that so-called “ancient” humans were just humans, like us.

For example, Neanderthals made jewelry and musical instruments, swam in the ocean, and more. This isn’t a surprise to creationists. Because we start with God’s Word, we’ve known all along that Neanderthals were humans.

You see, evidence doesn’t come with tags. Your worldview matters! We have to interpret the evidence, and we do so through the lens of our worldview. But if you have the wrong worldview, you’ll also have the wrong interpretation of the evidence!

You know, over and over we see it’s the biblical worldview—not the evolutionary one—that explains what we see in the world.

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How Smart Were Cave-Men? When Did Cavemen Live?