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We find evidence that in the past, humans lived in caves. Now, these so-called “cavemen” are thought to be our primitive evolutionary relatives.

This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truths of God’s Word

We find evidence that in the past, humans lived in caves. Now, these so-called “cavemen” are thought to be our primitive evolutionary relatives. Supposedly they lived in caves because they weren’t smart enough to build houses and settle down and farm the land.

But what happens when we look at these people through the lens of God’s Word?

We get an entirely different perspective. These “cavemen” were people who lived after the flood—the descendants of Noah and his family. After the flood, there was an ice age. It made life very difficult in certain areas. These “cavemen” were people like us, trying to survive in a harsh new world.

With God’s Word, we have the right lens to view our world.

Dig Deeper

Neanderthals vs. Humans: Are They Different? Were Cavemen Real?