A coelacanth is an odd-looking fish that supposedly went extinct 70 million years ago. At least, that’s what people thought until a fisherman pulled one up!

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to the authority of God’s Word.

What’s a coelacanth? Well, it’s an odd-looking fish that supposedly went extinct 70 million years ago. At least, that’s what people thought until a fisherman pulled one up!

What’s a Wollemi pine? Well, it’s a unique pine tree that allegedly went extinct 200 million years ago. At least, that’s what people thought until a park officer found one in Australia.

These are “living fossils.” But what do they tell us? Well, if evolution and millions of years are true, then surely these creatures would have evolved or gone extinct over millions of years. Yet we still find them today, virtually unchanged. Why? Because the fossils say “no” to evolution!

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Is This Famous Fish a “Living Fossil”? Well, That Depends on Your Assumptions The Fish that Forgot to Evolve?