According to a new survey, forty-three percent of young adults in America “don’t know, care, or believe God exists.” Forty-three percent!

This is Ken Ham, a missionary to our evolutionized culture and even to the church.

According to a new survey, forty-three percent of young adults in America “don’t know, care, or believe God exists.” Forty-three percent! This shows how secular America has become, particularly in the younger generations.

And this lack of belief in God influences their moral beliefs. Less than half of them believe you should “treat others as you want them to treat you.” Four in ten say you should get even with others. These beliefs are very different to those held by previous generations.

Now, if we want to influence these very secular generations for Christ, we must understand that the battle is on a foundational level—will it be man’s word or God’s Word?

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Gone in Only One Generation Does Church Need Change? (Expanded Version)