Some Christians now deny that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. But Jesus alluded that Moses is the author, when he said, “If you believed Moses, you’d believe me, for he wrote about me.”

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Does it matter who wrote Genesis?

Some Christians now deny that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. But Jesus alluded that Moses is the author, when he said, “If you believed Moses, you’d believe me, for he wrote about me.”

Some scholars say that Jesus was just “accommodating” himself to the beliefs of his day. Supposedly, he knew the beliefs were wrong, but he didn’t want to distract people from his message.

But this idea essentially claims Jesus lied—that he deceived others. And if he lied, he’s not perfect, so he’s not God, because God can’t lie. Therefore, he couldn’t have died for our sins.

Don’t follow Bible critics.

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Does It Really Matter If Moses Wrote Genesis? Who Said It: Competency in Genesis