Whenever the Bible speaks of the unborn, it always treats them as persons. Not as “choices,” “clumps of cells,” or “potential life,” but as persons.

This is Ken Ham, inviting you to visit our full-size Noah’s ark attraction in Northern Kentucky.

Whenever the Bible speaks of the unborn, it always treats them as persons. Not as “choices,” “clumps of cells,” or “potential life,” but as persons. Here’s a few examples:

Genesis 25 describes the “children”—Rebekah’s twins—struggling within her. Jeremiah records God saying that he chose the prophet before he was even conceived!

In Luke one, John the Baptist, in the womb, is called a “son” and a “babe” filled with the Holy Spirit, who leaped at the sound of Mary’s greeting.

Our culture wants to dehumanize the unborn so they can justify killing them through abortion. But when we start with God’s Word, we know the unborn children are persons.

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